This feature will allow you to optimize bids for precise targeting of traffic based on the ASIN's organic positioning on that same traffic.
When to use it?
When you want to modulate the bids on a keyword according to the organic position of your ASINs
Most frequent use cases
In your strategy, for a specific keyword targeted, our algorithm is pushing an ASIN (that is already displayed on the organic "top of search" placement) to the sponsored "top of search" placement.
Here are the needs they could meet:
- You have multiple ASINs in your strategy and you want to request the algorithm to push harder the investment on another ASIN not ranked on the organic "top of search" placement in order to help it have a better organic position?
The feature will remove your ASIN already displayed on the organic "top of search" from the sponsored "top of search placement.
By removing some ASINs, the sponsored spot becomes available and our algorithm will try to place your other ASINs from the strategy (if the performance allows it) - Only one ASIN is in the strategy and you want to cut the top of search traffic when your ASIN is on the organic "top of search" placement in order to reduce the investment costs?
The feature will automatically lower its bid to cut off the "top of search" and focus on optimizing for conversions in the "rest of search" placement (as long as the ASIN remains in the organic "top of search" placement)
Where to find it?
This feature will be found in Focus Strategies or the Main Strategy in the section "Targeting Stats"
Once uncollapsed, you will have access to the feature:
How to activate it?
The feature is a simple "ON/OFF" slider associated with each KW targeted in the strategy.
By default, the feature is disabled (slider on "OFF").
When you click on the slider, it will change its status (from "OFF" to "ON") and activate the feature.
You can activate it on maximum of 50 KWs per strategy.
Technical explanation
With the help of our KW tracker tool, we are able to know the positioning of your product on the organic placement of each KW targeted in sponsored.
When the feature is activated, the organic placement parameter will be taken into account in the learning and prediction process of our algorithm.
By schematizing the formula, we end up with the following automatic action:
- If for 3 consecutive days, the ASIN is in organic "top of search" and sponsored "top of search" placement, the bid will decrease to the point where the ASIN shouldn't appear on the sponsored "top of search" placement
- If within 3 days, the product is in organic "top of search" placement only, the bidding is optimized to maximize the conversion rate without reaching the sponsored "top of search" placement (threshold evaluated using the bids on other ASINs in the strategy)
- If within 3 days, the ASIN is not in organic "top of search" placement, the bid is optimized to maximize the conversion rate