Max bid security

The algorithm has a maximum bid it does not overreach by default to avoid crazy spending. You can change it.

The algorithm generates bid predictions based on your strategies, and there is a built-in security measure to prevent overbidding. 

The security settings are adjustable only by us internally. Please reach out to us if you need any modifications in the security.

Here is the limit according to your marketplace.

The max bid is doubled for sponsored brand strategies and doubled for phrase matching

Marketplace Max bid
Other marketplaces 2,5
AU 4
EG, TR, AE 10
SE 25
MX 50
IN 200
JP 250

For instance, if you create a sponsored brand strategy in Egypt and set a tactic with phrase and exact targeting, the max bid will be:

  • 40 £ for the phrase keywords
  • 20 £ for the exact keywords

Another example, if you create a sponsored product strategy in France and set a tactic with phrase, exact and product targeting , the max bid will be:

  • 5 € for the phrase keywords
  • 2,5 € for the exact keywords
  • 2,5 € for the product targeting

How to change the Max Bid?

You could go to settings > accounts to update your max bid of one marketplace. The change will be recorded in the activities.

account setting update max bid